
Sober living

Is it OK to drink alcohol with Prednisone?

Before having surgery, tell your doctor or dentist about all the products you use (including prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). Before taking prednisone, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or if you have any other allergies. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or

Is it OK to drink alcohol with Prednisone? Read More »

Alcohol Flush Reaction: Does Drinking Alcohol Make Your Face Red? National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

And it’s not known how much resveratrol is needed to protect the heart. Resveratrol might be key to what could make red wine heart healthy. Learn the facts and hype about red wine and how it affects the heart. Your doctor may adjust your dose or recommend you stop drinking entirely as a precaution. They

Alcohol Flush Reaction: Does Drinking Alcohol Make Your Face Red? National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA Read More »

The Cycle of Alcohol Addiction National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

Our body breaks ethanol down at a rate of around 15 mg/dL per hour. Our bodies can metabolize roughly one (1) drink per hour on average while maintaining low levels of intoxication, to put things simply. The person drinking may be overly excited and unable to control themselves. They may be more prone to mood

The Cycle of Alcohol Addiction National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA Read More »

What Your Community Can Do to Stop Meth National Neighborhood Watch

The powder has no odor, it tastes bitter, and it dissolves in water easily. There may be other colors as well including brown, pink, or yellow-gray. Crystal meth, on the other hand, comes as clear crystals that look Does A Purple Nose Indicate Alcoholism? like ice. Perhaps the most well-known side effect of the drug

What Your Community Can Do to Stop Meth National Neighborhood Watch Read More »

PEDs: Five steps to rid sports of doping from those who know

The operational approach of the AFL IDP includes education across the whole player group and initially confidential clinical management overseen by AFL Medical Officers for players with detections. This approach has evolved over the 7 years of the IDP with the introduction of mandatory club doctor notification and mandatory independent addiction medicine specialist assessment for players

PEDs: Five steps to rid sports of doping from those who know Read More »

6 Ways Art Therapy Can Help Treat Addiction

Additionally, other evidence shows that learning techniques for mood and emotion regulation can be beneficial for treating SUDs because they can reduce cravings. Generally, people view art therapy as a therapeutic method to use with other forms of therapy. This is especially true for substance use disorders (SUDs), where ongoing recovery is so important. Professionals

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Binge drinking: Definition, effects, and how to stop

There are many scenarios in which a few drinks with your friends can quickly lead to excessive alcohol consumption, which has both short- and long-term effects on your physical and mental health. Learning how to stop binge drinking is possible, and may involve reshaping your relationship with alcohol by making behavioral changes, setting goals, and

Binge drinking: Definition, effects, and how to stop Read More »

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